British journalist and graphic designer, David McCandless, who specializes in showcasing data in visual ways has done a research on when couples are likely to break up. His research consists of data gathered from the largest social networking site, Facebook. He scrapped 10,000 Facebook users for their status updates containing the phrases "breakup" or "broken up". Then he plotted a graph using this data.
The information that he extracted from the data is as follows. People are likely to break up after Valentines Day, and become worse until spring break ends. People are more likely to break up on Mondays than any other day of the week. The chance of breaking up is high on April Fool's Day. Also two weeks before Christmas people are very likely to break up. This can be because people start pricing gifts for their significant others. The safest seasons are summer and fall, while Christmas is the safest day. This is the information he could extract from his research.
So girls and boys be careful on these days. You might be able to predict the next break up.
:D This will come useful