Love is a tricky business which is unpredictable and beautiful, but sometimes heart breaking. Many people in the world fall in love with a person very quickly. He/she might be very happy about it, but it does not proceed forever except for a very few people. It is beautiful because it satisfies a human heart completely. Sometimes it is heartbreaking because it does not continue forever.
Love for a pet is different from a love for a human being, but for some people it is the same. There are people who risk their lives for their loved ones. It can either be a pet or a human being. The most beautiful part of love is building up a strong or true love for each other. It should be as strong as a stone and as true as anything in the world. No one in the world should have the guts to break it. This would definitely be true love. This love is very rare in this globe because most of the people do not love a person forever.
A love marriage is common, but sometimes the couple divorces soon. There can be many reasons behind it, but a true lover would not break his/her love for him/her loved one. Very few try to follow this up, but if they did the level of the divorce would decrease.
So true!! Nice!!