Today is also a busy day for me as a mother. I had a sigh of relief when I realized today is Friday. I always wake up at six because I always sleep lightly. Somehow, I was accustomed to the habit of rising early. I prepared breakfast without reluctance. I turned on the TV while I fried two eggs. Steam rice was prepared and smells were all over the kitchen. I went to my daughter’s room to wake her up. When I entered the room and tried to wake her up, I just gazed at her face with a fixed eye. She reminded me of my youth days. She has eyes and mouth just like mine. Many people said she is the tiny image of me. When she is asleep, she looks like an angel. I thought of how much she had already grown up. I did not want to interrupt her sweet dream but anyway I had to.
“Misaki, it’s time for you to wake up,” she listened to my voice but fell into a sleep again and ignored me. “Misaki,” my voice was getting stronger. “Ma...I told today is holiday for my school...” I knew that but I wanted to get a meal ready and eat with her. Since I was married, I was busy with household matter and she became my only friend. Marriage made me pressed with the time and changed me. I am not the same person as in my salad days. Eventually, I made her sit in the kitchen. I heard her grumbling over my food. I told her that when you get married and become a mother you would feel sorry for me one day.
While I was cleaning the living room I raised my head to watch the clock. ‘Time flies so fast, it is already time for lunch!’ At that moment I thought that felt a shock. Earthquakes are frequent in Japan, so I got used to it, but this time it felt strange. I looked at my daughter sitting in the chair. She had a stoned-faced. Just at that time the shock became furious. I had to show presence of mind to her. I made her to get under the table. Furthermore, I heard someone screaming outside, and then electricity got cut off. I dreaded every situation. I saw over the window. There was a black-out in the whole block-no power blacked out by a power failure. And then fear was getting extreme in my house. Suddenly, the water came from outside and filled my house in a couple of seconds. We were groping our way and climbed over to the upstairs in the dark. My daughter was crying. I held her for my life. She was my entire life. I had to protect her even risking my life. In a fraction of a second she missed my hand. The tsunami swallowed her and took her away from me. I had no choice but to scream her name. I saw, I heard, I felt the disaster. It was a tsunami and an earthquake. We were no more than humans in front of the force of nature. I will never forget her face, and that memory will always haunt me. She was my entire life and I want her back.
After all, when I saw the real news and videos, I was dumfounded. If I had free time, I would gladly go to Japan for volunteer. Hence, It hurt me. I know that this time we have to help each other. They need help. There are many people dying right now. When I watched the news I could feel their hopes, and thought that many people would volunteer to help. Disney is giving free food to people and another company is setting free Wi-Fi and free vending machines. They endeavor for their country. They are seeking a hope. I wish that they would get over the whole disaster and go back to their lives safely.
Nice. I like the article.