First, a group of people has more power at their hands than an individual. A group can insist for a change, and this will be taken into consideration by people with higher authorities, whereas, an individual insisting a change might be ignored. This is because there is a significant number of people requesting and higher authorities have to take this into consideration to reduce problems in the future. For example, a trade union can request for an increase in working conditions from an employer, and the employer is more likely to comply to this request because of the strength of many in the union.
Second, a change by a group of people will be more effective than a change by an individual. This is because a group has more people supporting the change. Also in a group, the members can share their ideas and views,and come up with a change that suits all of them, which will be accepted b non members. For example, a student in a class wants to change the class times, it will not be looked into as other classmates will be affected by this change. Whereas,if the whole class request for a change in the class schedule for a specific time that suits all of them, then this is taken into consideration.
Third, a group can influence more people to support to the group's change. As a group has a pool of people supporting a change, this will make other people believe that the group is right and will become supporters. For example,if one person shouts out in the public for a change in government policies, the person will be ignored. However, if a group of people protests against government policies,more people will join the protest, and eventually the government will change its policies.
To conclude, I believe a group of people is more likely to bring about change than an individual, as for above reasons.